Feel https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Saint_Petersburg/sights/ the nerd love!!
- Finn’s first sword. We discussed the mystery of where it went.
- More Gallifreyan.
- This young lady found me again later for more nerdtastic body art.
- We chatted about vintage games, good times!
- Captain Marvel got her emblem!
- Three friends with Gallifreyan phrases
- She said she wanted to show that she was a software engineer and very logical, but her henna tattoo to be pretty. Logic can be beautiful!
- Awesome Con design featuring Star Wars, Feminism, Harry Potter and Doctor Who.
- Original, my first design in Gallifreyan, or the Time Lord language from Doctor Who!
- Poor Rainbow Dash got smudged before she came back for her colors. oh well, she’s still 20% cooler :)